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Mystic Mug

Feng Huang Wo "Phoenix's Nest" 2021 Sheng Pu'erh

Feng Huang Wo "Phoenix's Nest" 2021 Sheng Pu'erh

Regular price $11.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.00 USD
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Feng Huang Wo 凤凰窝 , or Phoenix's Nest, is a beautiful sheng pu'erh with many travels & years behind it. Well, many years may be an overreach. It was harvested in 2021, allowed to age before being pressed into a cake by the tea masters of Yiwu, Yunnan. From there the started their journey towards Italy, where Tea Souls reside! After meeting the angels at Tea Souls, some of those tea cakes made their way to Texas where I bring a little of this Phoenix's Home to y'all!

Phoenix's Nest has a beautiful, sweet honey fragrance that will entice you into a moment of grace & repose. The taste is strong with fruity notes that have an incense-like finish offering an energy tonic to invigorate your soul. The phoenix is a wonderful creature to meditate on while enjoying this tea: rebirth, prosperity, grace, harmony, & your inner yin. 

Whether you plan on enjoying this tea before your yoga class or with some friends at a yoga retreat, this is a lovely tea for you. Don't worry, if you aren't the yoga kind of person, you can enjoy this tea any way you want! I like to drink this lovely tea during a workout myself.

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